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Available for work as

Thumbnail Designer

As a thumbnail designer, I believe that the smallest details can make the biggest impact in grabbing your audience's attention. Let's work together to make your brand stand out.

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About Me

Hello there! My name is Mausam Portel and I am from jhapa,Nepal. I am a thumbnail designer with a passion for creating eye-catching and engaging graphics. Beside than that I love playing games and creating designs. I like to listen songs and watch historical movies.

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My Previous Works

Here are my previous works for some content creators as well as for my practise!


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Let's create something cool and fantastic together!

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Why Me?

Experience and Expertise

I have a wealth of experience and expertise in thumbnail design. I understand the importance of creating eye-catching, visually appealing thumbnails that effectively communicate the message of the portfolio. I have a keen eye for design and are able to create thumbnails that are both aesthetically pleasing and informative.

Attention to Detail

I have a strong attention to detail, which is essential in thumbnail design. I understand that even the smallest details can make a big difference in the overall impact of a thumbnail. I am able to carefully select colors, fonts, and imagery that work together to create a cohesive and visually pleasing thumbnail.

Collaborative Approach

I have a collaborative approach to any work, which makes me a great partner for clients who are looking to create an effective thumbnail for their content. I am able to work closely with clients to understand their vision and goals, and to develop thumbnails that reflect their unique style and brand.

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